Melting ice in Norway has unveiled a remarkable collection of Viking artifacts. Due to the melting ice, these discoveries provide insight into the lives of Vikings who traversed these icy landscapes.
Malverne Mel says 6 more weeks of winter. About a hundred people huddled in the frigid temperatures Sunday morning by the Malverne train station just after sunrise to hear from the toddler rodent. His ...
One day, late in January, a friend and I watched two Steller sea lions swimming near Pt. Louisa. One of them held a front flipper high above the water for several minutes. We often see this behavior, ...
Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket received its Space Time Smackdown expansion yesterday, January 30, and players have expressed shock and heartbreak at one specific card's artwork that depicts a ...
The Museu da Amazônia - MUSA, a patch of preserved rainforest in Manaus, Brazil, is 1.5 hours by river away from the XPRIZE Rainforest competition site. Scientists studied its rich biodiversity to ...