Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako are considering a visit to Iwoto Island in April to pay respects to the victims ...
and his wife Empress Emerita Michiko, as well as Naruhito’s younger brother and his family. Satoshi Nishoji, who came from Osaka in western Japan and stood in line for five hours to join the ...
TOKYO (AP) — Japan's beloved former Emperor Akihito ... his time quietly while caring for his 90-year-old wife, former Empress Michiko, who broke her leg bone in October and is still recovering ...
The Imperial Household Agency is considering a visit by Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako to the island of Iwo Jima in ...
Mourners observed a moment of silence before dawn at 5:46am, the exact time that the quake -- Japan’s second deadliest since ...
In 1995, the 50th year since the end of the war, then-Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko made a "memorial tour" of the three prefectures and the Tokyo memorial hall. They visited Saipan in 2005 ...
and his wife Empress Emerita Michiko, as well as Naruhito’s younger brother and his family. Satoshi Nishoji, who came from Osaka in western Japan and stood in line for five hours to join the ...