WE all get the odd mark on our bodies now and then, whether it be a dry patch of skin, an odd-looking mole or a frustrating pimple. While these are often harmless, there are times when they could ...
The new AI model has revealed what humans can expect to look like if we continue with poor eating habits - from yellow eyes and huge bellies, to acne and increased wrinkles ...
While acne starts to erupt during your teenage years, a breakout can happen at any point of time in a woman’s life. If you have been looking for ways to reduce this eruption as well as lighten spots ...
So, can you still use a laptop with a swollen battery? The short answer is no, a laptop with a swollen battery isn't typically safe to use and is a clear warning sign that your laptop needs to be ...
Cold sores and pimples are two common skin conditions that primarily affect the face. Cold sores (herpes labialis) are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and affect up to 80% of adults in ...
Varicose veins are twisted, swollen veins that occur due to blood buildup. They may be blue or dark purple. Treatment is not always necessary but may involve remedies such as exercise and ...