Find out how John manages forage crops to feed his dairy heifers and save on costs ... Plentiful water troughs Fencing Concrete sleeper tracks Allocating feed well in advance John uses stubble turnips ...
After a year of drought and weather challenges, some cattle farmers are putting in extra cover crops this fall to ease the forage burden. Here’s the top six cover crops Midwest cattle farmers are ...
Some varieties of grazing turnips and rape/kale hybrids can offer multiple grazing opportunities when drilled early in summer and managed appropriately. However, this can involve back fencing and ...
Typically forage cocktails will contain at least one legume, at least one annual grass, and a deep rooted crop such as turnips or radishes. While these are often planted for their benefit to the soil, ...
Cover crops can extend the grazing season in the fall. Cover crops are annual forages. Berseem clover doesn't produce much forage, but horses prefer it the most. Horses do not readily eat radish and ...