LAMBERT: The lives of pterosaurs are still pretty mysterious. Despite their gargantuan size, their bones are actually quite delicate, and so fossils are rare. This find turned out to be a juvenile, ...
Tens of millions of years after a young pterosaur took its last breath in present-day Canada, paleontologists are investigating its death.
New research, published in Quaternary Science Reviews, has considered mammal fossils of gazelle, hare and fox from Jordan to examine these shifts in body size 24,000 to 7,500 years ago ...
had symmetrical teeth and a prominent nasal horn. The name refers to the ancient name for Egypt, “Tamery”, the promised land, and honors Stromer's fossil collector Richard Markgraf ...
Tour guides at SLAC, as it is known today, refer to the fossils as being the lab’s first discovery. The name of the primeval creature has changed over the years. Originally known as Paleoparadoxia, it ...
Sabre-toothed predators -- best know from the infamous Smilodon -- evolved multiple times across different mammal groups. A new study reveals why: these teeth were 'functionally optimal' and ...
Their study not only highlights the diversity in tooth shapes and hunting strategies but also discusses the species’ susceptibility to extinction and its implications for evolutionary biology.
The findings help explain why sabre-teeth evolved so many times (at least five independent times in mammals) and also provides a possible explanation for their eventual demise. Their increasing ...
The identification of P. kurteni suggests a potentially high diversity of leopard cats during prehistoric times, according to the study. The discovery of animal fossils at the Hualongdong site may ...