In this elegant and erudite revisionist study, Belleau, an anthropologist, refutes “blame the victim” excuses for mass violence during rule of Haitian dictator François “Papa Doc” Duvalier.
President Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, who had terrorised Haiti for 15 years until dying peacefully in bed. The name stuck and embarassment was ensured. Jean-Claude was born in Port-au-Prince ...
Although his term legally expired on May 15, President Francois Duvalier remains in office. Like most of his predecessors, Duvalier is averse to following constitutional requirements. But it is ...
Duvalier inherited power from his father, François “Papa Doc” Duvalier, aged 19 in 1971, but fled into exile in 1986 during a popular uprising which ended 28 years of rule by the father-and ...