Raise the stakes! If you and your friends are competitive, raising the stakes for bets you place or games you play with each ...
Gym quotes offer the motivation you need to push through your fitness journey. Read more inspiring quotes and messages to ...
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. This week is often filled with a pink haze of lovey-dovey events (and pricy prix-fixe ...
From movies to activism speeches, iconic quotes have been misquoted and misremembered for years. From the famous figures of ...
An announcement from Simon & Schuster’s publisher left the literary community wondering whether blurbs, the little snippets ...
Keon Coleman's debut season fell short of expectations, partially due to an injury. Here is Sal Maiorana's review of the ...
“It’s Never Over, Jeff Buckley” doesn’t reinvent the documentary genre, but it does offer a unique perspective on the varying music of the 1990s, an experimental time where lonely artists like Buckley ...
Activist short-seller firm Hindenburg Research is calling it quits after an impactful eight-year run in which its reports took on high-profile investors like Carl Icahn and Gautam Adani and helped ...
Friend, a startup creating a $99, AI-powered necklace designed to be treated as a digital companion, has delayed its first batch of shipments until Q3. Friend had planned to ship devices to ...
DEAR ERIC: I have a friend I will call “Linda”. She is a very sweet, lovely friend, whom I have known for about five years. A few months ago, she had a party at her house, and she introduced ...