CHICAGO and ARLINGTON, Va. - The American Diabetes Association and a national supporter, Xeris Pharmaceuticals, have formed a multi-year strategic partnership to reinforce the importance of prescribin ...
Israeli and American researchers uncovered the role of a specific enzyme in managing blood sugar levels in a study that opens up new therapeutic possibilities for people with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 ...
Glucagon prescriptions for severe hypoglycemia rose in Medicaid beneficiaries with the introduction of newer products but likely met only a fraction of the high-risk population’s needs.
During the seventeen years that have followed this discovery many new compounds that have had in common the ability to cause hypoglycemia have been investigated both clinically and in the laboratory.
These data support our hypotheses that the glucagon response to hypoglycemia is reduced in patients who are approaching the insulin-deficient end of the spectrum of type 2 diabetes and that recent ...