Highbush blueberry, a native of North America, grows 6 to 12 feet tall and is the major blueberry-producing species in ...
The Romanian blueberry industry is adopting new technologies to increase the fruit's yields and quality and expand its ...
Non-native plants hurt Charleston's animal kingdom and environment. Help sustain the ecosystem by growing native plants like ...
While you'll find plenty of cooking ingredients out in the wild as you explore, you can also grow crops on your home island ...
There are many varieties of blueberries from which to choose (as indicated in FS419, Selecting Blueberry Varieties for the Home Garden). Nurseries usually ship 2-year-old plants that are 12–24 inches ...
Serviceberry is a great native shrub for our landscapes. Its fragrant flowers bloom in spring and then forms a blueberry-like ...
Itching to establish new some trees in your yard? Choosing a beginner-friendly species that will do well in your specific ...
When Lisa Gorman noticed that a grove of her majestic oaks had died, she cast her suspicions on seasonal neighbors who wanted ...
It hasn’t been all that long since I was reporting on the devastation multiple hurricanes left behind for Florida’s ...
It’s a good idea to wait until late spring – after the last frost – before planting most flowers and vegetables, she said.