Prince Hisahito, the son of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko, who turned 18 to become an adult member of the Imperial family last year, is set to start attending events at the palace ...
With no advance registration required for this year’s event, the palace will be open to anyone who wishes to enter, just as it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. Prince Hisahito, the son of Crown ...
Yasuhiko Nishimura, head of the Imperial Household Agency, said the Emperor “wants to convey the horrors of war correctly to future generations.” Prince Hisahito, the son of Crown Prince Akishino and ...
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Arrangements are being made for Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako to visit Hiroshima and other domestic war-related sites next year to mark the 80th anniversary of the ...