An agreement has been concluded to renew the Generation IV International Forum, which aims to build on its first 25 years of sharing research and development on innovative nuclear reactor designs, as ...
Iran: 1 reactor, developing a nuclear weapons program. Israel: 1 nuclear research reactor, and is a nuclear weapons state. Turkey: 0 reactors, but construction on the first will be complete 2025 ...
A tiny neutrino detector has found its footing in a fresh setting — at a nuclear reactor. Conventional detectors of the subatomic particles require metric tons of material. But the new detector ...
Undeniably, ambitions for a nuclear renaissance are thriving. The UK is building its first nuclear power station in 30 years, France plans a new fleet of 14 reactors and, in total worldwide, 100 new ...
A novel nuclear reactor currently under construction at the Abilene Christian University (ACU) in Texas will help generate carbon-free energy while also desalinating water, solving two problems at ...
Inside the Push to Restart Three Mile Island’s Aging Nuclear Reactor The lights are turning back on at Three Mile Island, the site of America's worst nuclear meltdown, after it has lain dormant ...
His homemade breeder reactor emitted dangerously high levels ... Hahn’s obsession with nuclear physics began at age 15, leading him to conduct increasingly ambitious experiments.
All U.S. nuclear reactors, which currently provide more than half of the nation's carbon-free power, are first- or second-generation light water reactors. This means they use water as both a coolant ...
Renditions of NANO Nuclear Energy’s newly acquired technologies: Pylon for terrestrial (bottom) and space (top) applications and the Modular Micro Reactor (MMR®) Energy System (right).
Since initiating the program’s design phase two years ago, the DARPA-NASA management team has encountered the challenges inherent in sending a nuclear reactor into space for the first time in ...