The film, written and directed by Jeff Fowler, brings Sonic and his companions together for a new adventure. Sonic, Knuckles and Tails must join forces with their former enemy, Dr. Ivo Robotnik. They ...
The animation is nothing short of spectacular, with Sonic and his friends zipping through beautifully rendered environments at breakneck speeds. The film’s pacing matches its protagonist’s velocity, ...
At the end of Sonic 3, the blue blur briefly faces off against Metal Sonic and his robot army, but they’re almost immediately destroyed by Amy Rose (and her big hammer). Now, I’m sure you’re ...
The following video contains spoilers for "Sonic the Hedgehog 3," so beware if you haven't caught the fun family flick yet!
The film brought Shadow the Hedgehog to life via the incredible Keanu Reeves, and his tale, while mixed with Sonic’s, was easily the most emotional of the trilogy so far. Thus, fans want to see ...
A year ago, just days after my husband Michael had died, I gave away his shoes. The boots, running sneakers and Jordans he ...
They’re after a powerful weapon created by an international military and law enforcement agency protecting Earth from alien threats. Sonic and his friends, Knuckles and Tails, must stop them, but ...
Besides being the most familiar vampire story in fiction, the main draw to the latest "Nosferatu" is Robert Eggers’ atmospheric direction and the actors' delivery.
Pensioners are required to present themselves to the Grama Niladari (GN) of their areas each year to be paid their monthly pensions. Thus, in January, across the island, pensioners, limp, barely walk ...