While they may occasionally need pruning if a branch dies, breaks, or interferes with other plants or structures, junipers generally don’t require much attention. Available in a range of sizes ...
These two micronutrients are commonly found in bone meal fertilizer or composted manure. Boost new shoot growth Keep enough strong major stems to avoid overbearing Shape the blueberry bush Remove ...
Learning how to grow your own grapes at home can be an exciting endeavor, but maximizing your yield and maintaining healthy plants depends heavily on when you prune. Grapes sit squarely on the list of ...
Winter pruning aims to encourage vigour so that fruit trees are productive and shrubs don’t outgrow their space. Most plants enter a dormant state during winter. This is when they stop active ...
To help these plants during the colder months, Hoselink’s gardening guru Ben Hayman has claimed in a TikTok video that proper pruning can lead to “spectacular blooms” and “healthier ...