Tens of thousands of years ago, an extraordinary chapter in the story of humanity unfolded. Two distinct branches of the human family tree—modern humans and Neanderthals—crossed paths in a meeting ...
would be an important advance for human health,” Notredame pointed out. The potential applications of the work go beyond cancer. Using the approach to create more accurate evolutionary trees ...
"Yet, as imperfect as it may be, the kinase evolutionary tree is widely used to understand how it interacts with other drugs. Improving this tree, or improving trees of other important protein ...
When the researchers looked at the ancient DNA extracted from the human remains from these neighbouring sites ... six-generation-long pedigrees at each site,” says Zuzana Hofmanová from the Max Planck ...
Stunning discoveries and fresh breakthroughs in DNA analysis are changing our understanding of our own evolution and offering a new picture of the "other humans" that our ancestors met across Europe ...