The most important energy cost is not what a corporation pays to produce or generate it, but what a consumer pays to buy it. That’s why the delivered cost of rooftop solar and batteries - and the ...
Latest reports from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment, and Water (DCCEEW) project that the electricity sector in Australia will be 82% renewables by 2040, due to the impact from ...
In the month leading up to yesterday's campaign kickoff, Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Leader Doug Ford’s government announced $17.8 billion in total funding for various energy projects.
Arusha. The East African Community (EAC) member states are considering establishing a central power collection and supply station to distribute energy equally across the region.EAC director of ...
A new hydroplant in the Scottish Highlands could provide work for 500 people. A report by the University of the Highlands and Islands, highlights significant employment opportunities from Statkraft’s ...