Moja, a 25-year-old spotted hyena, became lethargic and weak on Christmas Day, the zoo said in a social media post on Saturday. After his health rapidly declined, "it was determined that ...
In the video, the hyena attempts an attack on a donkey. To everybody’s surprise, the donkey, usually perceived as a submissive animal, defends itself aggressively, biting down hard on the hyena’s face ...
The young daughter of a staff member at one of the privately owned safari lodges at Timbavati Private Nature Reserve was killed by a spotted hyena on Friday, 27 December. A hyena attack at a ...
The young daughter of a staff member at one of the privately owned safari lodges at Timbavati Private Nature Reserve was killed by a spotted hyena on Friday, 27 December. A hyena attack at a ...
While the film answers many questions about their backstories, one crucial element is left unexplored: how Scar formed his alliance with the hyenas. The movie focuses on Mufasa and Taka (Scar’s ...
What exactly is a hyena? Are hyenas dogs? Is it a feline or a canine or something else entirely? The answer to that question is somewhat complicated. The hyena can be described as a “cat-like” animal, ...