Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is a highly-awaited animated series on Disney+ that delves into the initial days of Peter Parker as Spider-Man. Though the Marvel Cinematic Universe already has a ...
Now, let's discuss Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2, swinging into stores ... meat-based life forms are manipulated by colorful pictures and simplistic morality tales.
Spider-Man in ‘Your Friendly Neigborhood Spider-Man’ (Image: Marvel) New details about ‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ reveal it won’t take place within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In an ...
However, neither the MCU or the SSU have yet explored a spider-man breaking away from the Marvel canon. Now, Marvel is introducing a fresh animated take on the character with ‘Your Friendly ...
Every Spider-Man movie has given alternative versions of our favorite web-slinging hero. It looks like Disney+ will provide its own take on Peter Parker’s origin story in Your Friendly ...