While colorectal cancer polyps often have no symptoms—especially in the early stages—there are some warning signs to be on ...
Scientists say a groundbreaking new test can predict patients at high risk of developing bowel cancer with 90 per cent ...
Finding and removing colon polyps may help prevent colon cancer. In addition, colon cancer screening may help find cancer early, making a cure more likely. Your gastroenterologist will ...
If they find a polyp, I would recommend that you have another colonoscopy within a year, because what happens is that polyps go on to turn into malignancies, and sometimes when you get your ...
silkwayrain/Getty Images New research suggests that biological age — a measure of the body’s physiological state — could predict who is at higher risk for developing colon polyps ...
The Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology today announced the results of a data analysis from a randomized phase III clinical trial involving patients with stage III colon cancer, which found that ...
SANG W. LEE PROCTOLOGY Clinical Professor; Chief, Colon and Rectal Surgery Keck Medicine of USC Dr. Sang Lee is one of the nation’s leading experts in ...
Study uncovers a pathogenic subset of memory T-cells that promote tissue inflammation and highlights a potential target for treating nasal polyps and other inflammatory airway diseases.