A viral video from Pune shows over 3,000 engineers queuing up for a walk-in interview targeting junior developer positions, with only 100 roles available. The overwhelming turnout highlights the ...
In the deep-dive interview, the candidate spoke with the head of engineering and another member of the engineering department about what they’d done in their previous roles. The interview was designed ...
The interview was advertised for just 200 positions. However, around 3,000 engineers showed up, leading to a massive crowd outside the company's premises. It is reported that the queue stretched over ...
This is my multi-month study plan for going from mobile developer (self-taught, no CS degree) to machine learning engineer. My main goal was to find an approach to studying ... code to squeeze ...
Just hire a person with good resume and fire him if he is not working fine,” a user wrote. “Same situation was with CTS when i went to pune for an interview in year 2015,” a user said. “Rising level ...