Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—govern digestion, sleep, metabolism, and skin health. Understanding your dominant dosha helps maintain ...
Chewing saunf after meals aids digestion freshens breath balances doshas and promotes overall well-being Read this article to ...
These doshas—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata—are pivotal, shaping our equilibrium amidst the mind, body, and surroundings. Today, our focus lies on understanding the imbalance within the Kapha dosha ...
How can Ayurveda help fight HMPV? By balancing Kapha, boosting immunity with herbs like Tulsi and Guduchi, and using detox ...
Diet & lifestyle changes can help to control diabetes but for a long-term solution, consult a doctor to get the best holistic ...
According to Ayurveda, good digestion is the key to good health. Digestion or Agni is the key to life, physical, mental and ...
If you are someone who tend to gain weight in winters here are some weight management tips by ayurveda expert to prevent unnecessary gains ...
Ayurveda offers personalized rituals based on the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) to realign with nature and achieve wellness. Emphasizing diet, tailored therapies, meditation, yoga, daily routines ...