Scientists can't study living and breathing examples of prehistoric dinosaurs, so what's the best alternative? Dinosaur researcher Prof Paul Barrett fills us in. The premise of the Jurassic Park film ...
On retelling, encourage the children to make the dinosaur sounds, stomping and growling, chomping on food, splashing and cheering. Cat encourages the children to curl up like a ball and imagine ...
In this quiz you can learn which dinosaurs are herbivores (they eat plants), carnivores (they eat meat) and omnivores (they eat both meat and plants). BBC Homepage Skip to content ...
Mission Jurassic is a project led by the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, which aims not only to dig up dinosaur fossils for display, but also to learn as much as possible about what western North ...
Young dinosaur enthusiasts have a unique opportunity to step into the shoes of paleontologists at an engaging educational program hosted by the Lake Wylie Libra ...