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When finished writing an important text, we recommend waiting 24 hours. Review your letter before pressing “Send.” Emails and ...
My patients have shared with me a newfound mistrust over the safety of all vaccines since the Covid vaccine mandates were ...
Today, my house is worth just over $460,000. An increase of about 200%. And today, 20-plus years later, the exemption is $100,000, an increase of about, uh … ZERO! What’s up ...
During my pre-teen, teenage and young adult years, I would make handmade gifts for each set of my grandparents.
Fourth-grade student Isaiah Rivera expressed concerns about the county’s growth, pollution, the possibility of too many kids in his classroom; and finally, he asked, “Where can we all play?” The ...
One reason to start writing letters the old-fashioned way: opening the mail can be fun.
Evan Barret writes, The testimony I was prepared to give was information that had not been brought forth from anyone else during the hearing.
I am writing to refute the editorial “Rent control won’t solve state’s housing crisis” (In Our View, Jan. 22).
Science purports to have solved the proverbial question of whether infinite monkeys clacking away at typewriters could recreate Shakespeare’s works. They haven’t.