A new update regarding Mel Gibson‘s The Resurrection of the Christ production start date has come out, hinting that the ...
CONCLAVE is very anthropocentric, that ism it looks at theology from man’s point of view. Throughout the movie, even the conservative statements are more concerned about human politics than about ...
Si Robertson visited San Quentin Prison to share the Gospel with 400 incarcerated men, and after hearing the good news, 200 ...
The original law passed in 2008 did not set an age limit on when children could be legally surrendered. The loophole served ...
Believers call him the Son of God. Skeptics dismiss him as legend. Now, researchers digging in the Holy Land are sifting fact from fiction. Worshippers in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy ...
Lurone “Coach” Jennings, Sr. was born in Lafayette, Alabama on April 11, 1954, to Fred Young Jennings and Mary Emma (Polly) ...
The claim that Jesus spent his missing years in India originated with Nicholas Notovitch’s The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ in 1894 Notovitch, a Russian journalist, claimed he had found documents in a ...
I have learned to appreciate how fragile life is. Being in the hospital setting I have seen people die before me and every time I would hope that the person knew God. Having a relationship with Jesus ...
Charles Dickens wrote a story for his young children, and now that story is coming our way in the form of The King of Kings.
I remember as a young momma, when the kids tried out the phrase; “I hate…”. It rubbed against my soul like coarse sandpaper.
Disciples of Jesus ... Christ are those who seek to become like their teacher. To be like Jesus is to become a servant. Jesus said, the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give ...