The production of aromatic rice has nearly doubled in Bangladesh over the past seven years, with farmers showing interest in growing the grain in order to profit from its higher prices compared to ...
Rice is an ancient staple of humanity, cultivated and used for at least 5,000 years. Today, it's the second most produced and cultivated cereal in the world (about 700 million tons per year), just ...
Enter your zip code to find the cash bids and basis levels for the five elevators closest to you. This tool is independently contracted by Farm Journal.
It’s indisputably one of the most important works in history. Karl Marx’s Capital has been perennially embraced by those trying to understand and move beyond the capitalist system—and reviled in equal ...
The president excluded Gov. Newsom from plans for his visit to fire-ravaged Los Angeles Friday, but the governor showed up on the tarmac anyway, and the two said they would cooperate. Trump’s growing ...
A last chance for people who are desperate to find long lost relatives. Go on a moving journey, from the revealing moment relatives are told their loved one has been traced, to the raw moment of the ...
It is important to note that cost of cultivation of paddy will vary from Ampara (Lowest) to Kandy (Highest), depending on the productivity levels, rain-fed or irrigated systems, and type of rice (e.g.