The Mesozoic era, often referred to as the "Age of Reptiles," was also a significant period for mammalian evolution. During this time, mammals began to diversify and adapt to various ecological ...
The best example we have of evolution at a specific hot spot is ... to be selection against excessive crossing over, why are mammalian species so variable in their numbers of chromosomes and ...
Evolutionary biologist Nathan H. Lents argues in his new book, The Sexual Evolution: How 500 Million Years of Sex, Gender, and Mating Shape Modern Relationships, that we need only look to the animal ...
Two new studies offer insights into the evolution and development of external ears, which appear in humans and other mammals but aren’t found in reptiles, birds or amphibians Sarah Kuta Daily ...
Jan. 24, 2025 — Researchers firmly point the finger at the South American Andes Mountains as the place where the Irish potato famine pathogen, Phtytophthora infestans, ...