If you don’t have a heart issue and you experience frequent anxiety, learning to understand your chest pain can help you find symptom relief and identify when you need additional medical help.
Chest pain is a symptom that can range from mild discomfort to a medical emergency. While it is often associated with heart-related issues, including heart attacks, not all chest pain stems from the ...
Anyone who experiences shortness of breath, a fever, or nausea alongside chest pain should seek medical help right away. If an injury results in one or more bruised or broken ribs, a person may ...
Chest pain and when to seek emergency medical treatment Chest pain can happen due to many causes, one of which is a heart attack. A heart attack is a medical emergency for which it’s vital to ...
Pain or discomfort in the chest (front or back) The chest includes from the top to the bottom of the rib cage Chest pains in children lasting for a few minutes are usually harmless. The pain can be ...
Writing off less severe chest pain as nothing serious may be tempting, but awareness of symptoms that may be due to a heart attack and seeking medical attention for them immediately (preferably by ...
However, consider seeking urgent medical attention if you heard a pop at the time of injury, are experiencing numbness or tingling, or can't move the area in which you are experiencing pain. The ...
Play it safe and seek medical attention.” The NHS describes chest pain caused by a heart attack as a “feeling of pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across your chest”. It is ...
For example, if mastitis (inflammation in the breast) causes the pain, the breast may also be swollen and hot to the touch. Various factors can cause chest wall pain. People should speak with a ...
Correspondence to: Dr Steve W Goodacre Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, Sheffield, S1 4DA, UK; s.goodacresheffield.ac.uk Each year, over 15 million ...
Costochondritis is a common condition that accounts for 20% to 50% of acute chest pain-related symptoms in adults. Females are slightly more affected than males. Most cases are seen between the ages ...