Women in American society are taught to avoid confrontation and be polite, while men are taught to never say never and be ...
Men liking how a woman smells is deeply rooted in our primal ... but they just can’t stop thinking about the fact that my sense of style is awesome. If you have a good sense of fashion and ...
On average, the study found that men will spend 364 hours immersed in the genre per year while women will spend 312 hours per ...
It’s widely assumed that men think about sex more than women do, but in studies, the differences are fairly small (and men also thought about other basic human needs, like food, more often than ...
One of the biggest red flags of a woman hater is that he loves to create division. He will make comments comparing one woman ...
Surveying nearly an equal number of Republicans and Democrats, a poll taken by the New York Times and polling company Ipsos showed that the majority of ...