and delicious Mexican rice perfect for a weeknight dinner. Place the cubed chicken, two teaspoons of taco seasoning and the ...
This cheesy Mexican Chicken Casserole is a perfect choice for potlucks and an excellent way to use leftover chicken.
Mexican Chicken Rice Mexican Chicken Rice is a one pot meal] which easy to cook. Chicken & Rice is blend with the spices, If you like chicken then this quick & easy recipe become your family favorite.
Juicy chicken chunks cooked in a blend of flavourful sauces and topped over boiled rice in a bowl. This recipe is super easy and can be made with just a handful of ingredients. It is ideal for a ...
Divide the rice between two bowls. Spoon the chicken and egg mixture on top of the rice and serve with the pickled ginger, if using.
or until the chicken is cooked through. Meanwhile, cook the rice according to the packet instructions and keep warm. In a small bowl, mix the cornflour with 2 tablespoons cold water until smooth.