The Monkey follows the twins as they find their father's old monkey toy in the attic, an event which coincidentally occurs before a series of gruesome deaths begin. The twins must decide whether ...
The vast majority of people that play Monkey Palace are absolutely going to be familiar with the iconic building toy, making it rather simple to understand the fact that the main point of the game ...
California police were treated to a surprise Monday night when they pulled over a Rolls-Royce in a suspected DUI case and discovered a dealer’s amount of weed and a spider monkey in the front seat.
OAKLAND, Calif. (FOX26) — A young female spider monkey is receiving critical care at the Oakland Zoo after being rescued during a traffic stop in Madera County. The California Highway Patrol ...
All of it comes back to the sinister toy monkey that features so prominently in the advertising campaign. The premise of this story is that twin brothers Hal and Bill unearthed a vintage toy monke ...
What happens when an old evil toy from your childhood comes back for more blood? That’s exactly what The Monkey’s violent trailer depicts. RELATED ARTICLE We get all sorts of brutality from ...
MADERA COUNTY, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – A monkey being driven in a Rolls-Royce on a Madera County highway was stopped after the driver of the luxury car was found to be traveling over the speed ...