It clears out mucus. Get some sun: Sunlight can boost your energy and mood and a lack of it can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder or 'winter blues'. Eat garlic: Garlic contains natural ...
Expectorants are medications that help thin and loosen mucus, making it easier to cough it out of your lungs, airways, or throat. When you have a nagging cough or mucus buildup that just won't go ...
Purgatory is not a second-chance for damned souls to repent. Instead it is a state of cleansing and purification for souls destined for heaven. Also Purgatory is not a means to earn our way to ...
He explains that the cleansing ritual is held on auspicious days such as the full Moon, new Moon or an individual's Balinese birthday, which is based on the Balinese calendar and falls every 210 days.