MIDI 2.0 was announced in 2019, and over the previous version, it brings increased speed, fidelity, better control of instruments, modern bi-directional communication, better USB timing, and much more ...
Microsoft has released a public preview for Windows MIDI Services, bringing MIDI 2.0 support to Windows 11. This update marks ...
Microsoft recently released Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 27788 to users in the Canary Channel. This update could be a significant milestone for musicians using Windows, ...
Explore the power of Windows MIDI Services, a robust API that enhances MIDI functionality on Windows platforms, enabling ...
Windows 11 is rolling out the biggest update to MIDI since the musical communication format was first released in 1983.
Microsoft has released its first in-box public preview of Windows MIDI Services with full support for the MIDI 2.0 standard.
在最新的Windows 11预览版27788中,微软为音乐创作者们带来一个激动人心的消息——全新的Windows MIDI服务正式上线!这可是专为音乐人量身打造的一项重大改进,全面重写了Windows中的MIDI功能。自1983年MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface)标准问世以来,它就一直是电子音乐的脊梁。而现在,随着MIDI ...
除了音乐相关的更新,微软还在此次预览版中测试了一项实用的功能:一键无缝从手机恢复OneDrive文件到电脑。这一功能允许用户在Windows 11 PC上轻松恢复在安卓和iOS平台上编辑或查看的文件。启用该功能后,系统会弹出通知,询问用户是否继续恢复手机端最近查看或编辑的Word文档。用户点击通知后,将调用系统默认浏览器打开同一文件。
IT之家 2 月 6 日消息,微软公司昨日(2 月 5 日)发布博文, 邀请 Canary 频道的 Windows Insider 项目成员,测试 Windows 11 Build 27788 预览版, 并宣布暂时不会发布 27xxx 系列构建的 ...
Great sounding preamps aside, the ultimate strength of the Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 is its uncanny ability to make ...
Best home gym equipment in 2025 to stay fit at home, including treadmills, exercise bikes, multi gym sets, and more for strength, cardio and full body workouts.
Record your MIDI performances with Soundation’s built-in MIDI recorder online directly in the browser. Choose a suitable instrument preset and play with your computer keyboard or a MIDI keyboard.