The Natrium technology features a 345 MW sodium-cooled fast reactor with a gigawatt-scale molten salt-based energy storage ...
All U.S. nuclear reactors, which currently provide more than half of the nation's carbon-free power, are first- or ...
Bill Gates' owned TerraPower’s project near Kemmerer still awaits approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
TerraPower has received approval from the Wyoming Industrial Siting Council on its permit for the Natrium demonstration plant ...
Oklo, a nuclear start-up, aims to design, build, and operate small modular reactors, projecting their first plant by late ...
SFRs are gaining interest “SFRs with metallic-alloy fuel are garnering a significant amount of interest because they have ...
To slow climate warming, mandates have been imposed by the government requiring industry to meet carbon-free emission ...
The city council is potentially opening the door for small, modular nuclear reactors. Nadya Suleman, who is known to the ...
NASA is working on a nuclear electric propulsion system that would involve robotically assembling a space radiator the size ...
For the loose coalition of analysts and writers pushing for an “abundance agenda” that includes more energy production no matter the type (or cost), the fossil fuel-friendly philosophy Wright ...
The fossilized skull of this new dinosaur species was unearthed from the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation in Yunnan Province, ...
以微软系统而闻名的企业家比尔盖兹(Bill Gates),近20年致力研发新一代核电技术,他创办的核能公司泰拉能源( Terrapower) 宣布,已获得怀俄明州工业选址委员会 (ISC) 的批准,得以兴建第一座钠冷式小型反应炉。有趣 ...