The Natrium technology features a 345 MW sodium-cooled fast reactor with a gigawatt-scale molten salt-based energy storage ...
All U.S. nuclear reactors, which currently provide more than half of the nation's carbon-free power, are first- or ...
Bill Gates' owned TerraPower’s project near Kemmerer still awaits approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
TerraPower has received approval from the Wyoming Industrial Siting Council on its permit for the Natrium demonstration plant ...
Oklo, a nuclear start-up, aims to design, build, and operate small modular reactors, projecting their first plant by late ...
SFRs are gaining interest “SFRs with metallic-alloy fuel are garnering a significant amount of interest because they have ...
The U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory is advancing next-generation nuclear energy through ...
TerraPower is the first developer to receive a state permit for an advanced nuclear project, paving the way for construction ...
The company claims that the Natrium reactor and energy storage system redefines what nuclear technology can be: emissions-free, competitive, and flexible. Built for the 21st-century grid ...
To slow climate warming, mandates have been imposed by the government requiring industry to meet carbon-free emission ...
TerraPower has awarded the major manufacturing contracts for the first Natrium reactor 1 enclosure system, a major milestone in establishing the advanced nuclear supply chain. Bellevue, WA – December ...
TerraPower has awarded contracts for the first Natrium plant reactor enclosure system (RES) for its Natrium sodium-cooled fast reactor.