The paper presents a streamlined new approach for functional validation of genes known to underlie fragile bone disorders in a relatively high throughput, using CRISPR-mediated knockouts and a number ...
Professor Sun Yonghua (front) shows zebrafish disease models to members of his research team in the laboratory at the China Zebrafish Resource Center in Wuhan, Hubei province. CHINA DAILY The ...
Artistic representation of heart regeneration: Hmga1 in green symbolically flows from the border zone of a zebrafish heart (top right) to the injured border zone of a mouse heart (left).
十二、其它系列: 意大利木材水分测试仪KT-50,声级计,照度计,万用表,热电偶,烘箱等。 金相高品质电解抛光腐蚀仪DPF-2DPF-2金相高品质电解抛光腐蚀仪采用电化学原理进行金相样品的制备,采用电解抛光和腐蚀制备的金相样品避免了机械抛光所带来的变形 ...