The following ten plants are night-blooming or night-scented flowers coveted for moon gardens. 1. Queen of the night/Dutchman’s pipe cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) A member of the so-called ...
Infinity bloom gardens is a one-of-a-kind destination for people who yearn for peace and beauty in nature. Spread across 50+ ...
blooming from December to March. This pollen-rich plant attracts bees to your garden and is cherished for its magnificent, far-reaching fragrance. According to the RHS: "This is a splendid ...
New Yorkers lined up for hours outside the Brooklyn Botanic Garden to catch a glimpse -- and a whiff -- of the facility's ...
A rare corpse flower bloomed at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, where people waited in line for hours Saturday to get a whiff of ...