Animated adventure. In an alternate world where dinosaurs never became extinct, an apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. Show more Animated adventure set in an alternate world ...
A trading platform is offering an opportunity to buy shares in something altogether different: a dinosaur skeleton. Rally, a platform that specializes in fractional-ownership structures of ...
But instead of being some Tamagotchi-style dinosaur-feeding game, this is Ark: Survival Evolved as you know and love it, just on a smaller screen. And it’s off to a strong start, with over one ...
While Super Mario 3D World originally launched on the Wii U, the Switch is the best place to play it thanks to some gameplay enhancements and upgrades Nintendo added to this version. You can play ...
Wonder while next year is all about the Nintendo Switch 2, leaving this year in kind of an awkward middle ground. Even so, Switch owners still had a ton of great games to play during the aging ...