在众多游戏外设中,索尼的PlayStation 5(PS5)一直以来都以其创新和高品质而备受玩家青睐。如今,索尼再度引发话题,宣布将于2024年1月23日正式推出全新的“Chroma Collection”系列外设,其中包含了令人期待的“Chroma Green(铬绿色)”DualSense无线控制器和PS5主机覆盖。这次新系列不仅仅是外观的变化,更是对玩家体验的一次全面升级。
有玩家发帖称,自己看贴吧推荐便去拼多多买了台PS5光驱版。当他收到货后打算玩游戏时发现不对劲,插入的光盘直接掉了进去,拆开后才发现光驱 ...
有玩家近日发表了自己在电商平台购买光驱版PS5的经历。当他收到货后发现光驱已不见踪影。 该玩家表示,自己收货时也录了开箱视频,整体验货是 ...
There are many big PS5 games to look forward to over the next couple of months, including a new Kingdom Come Deliverance. Beyond that, there's Monster Hunter Wilds, as well as Death Stranding 2 ...
Alongside the selection of discounts above from Best Buy's Deal of the Day sale, there are quite a few more PS5 game deals that are worth checking out at other retailers. Here we've included a few ...
PS5 storage can be a daunting area to get your head around. But just like gaming PCs, the PS5 is compatible with some of the best SSDs, which can give your console a considerable storage, and ...