13三体(Trisomy 13):也称为帕塔综合征(Patau Syndrome),是由第13对染色体出现三份引起的。这种病症的患儿可能会出现严重的神经管缺陷、颅面畸形 ...
Recognition of the clinical features of Trisomy 13 syndrome, a common autosomal trisomy, provides the basis for diagnostic testing and counseling of families. This article provides a systematic ...
Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13) are three aneuploid disorders with significant consequences which can be detected by prenatal evaluation.
Honoring the life of Josephine Victoria Reyes, a fighter who brought victory in her 64 days on earth. Join the Reyes family ...