Atrophic holes are frequently found within or adjacent ... Diagram showing multiple peripheral retinal tears and holes, more typically seen in the setting of a pseudophakic retinal detachment.
There was peripheral retinal atrophy with loss of ganglion cells and loss of nerve fibres in the optic nerves, chiasm, and tracts. No evidence of intramyelinic oedema was seen. These findings suggest ...
A post-mortem study 2 did show that the peripheral retina photoreceptor density is substantially ... with no PVD, that will have atrophic round hole detachments in their twenties. 4 Lattice retinal ...
Scientists have achieved a remarkable success in retinal transplantation. They have fixed a hole in a monkey’s ... but visual ...
The types of retinal breaks, however, were different in eyes with and without lens changes. While atrophic holes were dominant in group A, retinal dialysis was mainly seen in groups B and C.