From the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, SP, Brazil (L.A.P., L.F.G., M.L.) Laboratório de Biologia Vascular, Instituto do Coração (InCor), Hospital ...
They do not have any compassion or mercy. If any issues happen the teachers will physically torture us in the physics lab. That room is considered as the torture room,” a student told the media.
Against classical doctrines, natural law no longer consisted of a set of instructions about human virtue and excellence. It served to reinsert humanity back into physis. Physiocrats dissolved the ...
Subatomic particles in the quantum world often defy the familiar rules of the physical world. They can exist in two places simultaneously, pass through solid barriers, and even communicate instantly ...
With recent advances in molecular medicine and disease treatment in osteoporosis, quantitative image processing of three-dimensional bone structures is critical in the context of bone quality ...
In group 4, those fixed with a BioScrew in the tibial tunnel had deformity of the physis. Filling the tunnel with a soft tissue graft did not always prevent bony bridges from forming (in contrast ...