Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—govern digestion, sleep, metabolism, and skin health. Understanding your dominant dosha helps maintain ...
So, know how to balance three doshas. What are three doshas and how to balance Kapha, Pitta, and Vata? Ayurveda understands that all of us have a unique biological blueprint and that our nutrition ...
Grounding poses like Child’s Pose are ideal for Vata types, while Pitta individuals benefit from cooling flows with forward bends. Kapha types find energy and balance in dynamic sequences like ...
Discover Amlapitta the Ayurvedic term for hyperacidity caused by excess stomach acid An expert shares its symptoms natural ...
Cardamom not only enhances the taste of food, but it also has many medicinal properties. It helps in balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
In winters, the problem of scalp itching increases due to dandruff. If there is a severe itching and burning sensation on the scalp, then it can also be an infection. Know the remedies to get rid of ...