This article provides an overview of the use of pseudowords—letter strings that resemble real words by adhering to phonotactic and orthotactic rules (e. g., fambo follows the rules of English ...
Individual phonemes were combined in different phonetic environments to produce coarticulated variation in forty consonant-vowel pairs, twenty real words, and twenty pseudowords. Phoneme pairs and ...
In experiments, participants demonstrated slower responses to harmonious pseudowords compared to disharmonious ones, indicating a sensitivity to vowel harmony, albeit not in the earliest moments ...
To answer its question, the study combines a highly replicated and well-established paradigm, i.e. the use of an artificial language in which pseudowords are concatenated to yield informative TPs to ...
The N400 response is one of the best-studied ERP components associated with language processing. Manipulations such as semantic priming ('coffee' → 'tea') and contextual fit ('I like my coffee ...
For the composite score of lexical access and generalization we averaged z-scores from objects, colors, letters and digits subtests from rapid automatized naming (RAN) task, while for the composite ...