Actor Aadar Jain, who recently tied the knot with Alekha Advani in a beautiful Christian ceremony in Goa, shared an adorable wedding video on social media, giving fans a glimpse into their intimate ...
Controversial Ghanaian social commentator Twene Jonas denied ownership of his BMW M Competition SUV after he was questioned by a stranger on the street.
In this exclusive sneak peek at Thursday’s (January 30) new episode, the Republic crew is hard at work serving on a busy night. And since Emmy is a no call, no show, Maddi Reese is having to pick up ...
Kai Cenat, one of the biggest streamers on Twitch and YouTube, is facing backlash after a livestream in which he and two of his friends kicked and bullied a $70K humanoid robot.
The 21-year-old woman from Washington state who is charged in the death of Border Patrol Agent David "Chris" Maland made her first court appearance on Monday.
Young Ghanaian gospel musician Odehyieba Priscilla was spotted in the lecture hall after gaining admission at KNUST. She recorded the lectures for her lecturer.
A TikTok video showcasing school kids pushing a car left many people in South Africa with mixed reactions. The footage went viral on social media, and peeps reacted.