In addition, the output synapse of the bipolar cell is very similar to that of the photoreceptor, in that it uses synaptic-ribbon structures that are not found in other types of retinal neuron.
Using the stem cells, the researchers made "retinal sheets" that are enriched in immature versions of the cone photoreceptor cells, which could become mature cone cells when cultured in the lab.
They house the retina’s light-responsive outer photoreceptor segment. RPE cells displaying cobblestone morphology. Cells were immunolabeled with tight-junction ZO-1 marker (shown in green ...
Based on in situ hybridization and hypothyroid studies, thyroid hormone appears to target photoreceptor development. The hormone may be acting in at least two ways. It could instruct neuronal ...
The light-detecting part of the retina is formed of rod and cone photoreceptor cells that are responsible for everything we see. The lower third of this image depicts the layer of blood vessels ...
It also disrupts blood vessels that are situated behind the retina. This disrupts normal cell metabolism, leading to the death of photoreceptor cells and, eventually, geographic atrophy ...
The disease, he said, involved the gradual deterioration of the retina, the thin sheet of photoreceptor cells at the back of the eye that turn light into electrical brain signals. As these cells ...