Currently, petrol is retailing at Rs 94.77 a litre in Delhi . In Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata petrol costs Rs 103.50 , Rs 100.90and Rs 105.01 respectively. India imports about 80% of its oil needs ...
In India, the price of petrol is determined by the cost of crude oil in the international market, the exchange rate of the Indian rupee against the US dollar, and the taxes and duties imposed by ...
Currently, petrol is retailing at Rs 94.77 a litre in Delhi . In Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata petrol costs Rs 103.50 , Rs 101.03and Rs 105.01 respectively. India imports about 80% of its oil needs ...
State ministry director Lilis Saslinda Pornomo issued this reminder after a Singapore-registered car was caught refueling with RON95 at a petrol station in Johor Baru city last Tuesday (Jan 21).
Dealer’s commission: Oil refineries or fuel stations are run to store and dispense petrol to customers for which the suppliers make a profit that is included in the price of the petrol before ...
however non-automated petrol stations can do so manually. Current oil refining firms' reserves and existing liabilities must be efficiently managed. The oil marketing firms should also handle cash ...
Malaysia's Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry has issued a reminder to petrol stations not to let foreign-registered vehicles fill up with RON95 petrol. The reminder was issued after a ...
Ngungula, a colloquial term referring to the smuggling of petrol and diesel from Angola, has been rampant for years in northern Namibia. This situation has resulted in some service stations, ...
Indeed, the energy minister accused Enguerrand Rochefort of creating the fuel shortage. In a 3 June letter, he ordered Rochefort to pay a fine of 200m CFA francs (€300,000) within 48 hours.
The real-time price of Brent crude oil is at $76.06 per barrel, and the price of WTI crude oil is at $72.85 per barrel. Oil prices are customarily quoted in dollars (USD) around the world, not only in ...