The Savoy is synonymous with old-style glamour ... getting lost countless times and stumbling across a discreet yet majestic ballroom, where I mentally planned my imaginary wedding with my ...
The Savoy Hotel in London is auctioning off all the furniture from its guest bedrooms on December 11th and 12th, a mammoth sale taking place in its hallowed ballroom that looks set to be the decor ...
2022年10月13日,墨尔本星光璀璨。澳洲华裔小姐竞选的墨尔本赛区总决赛在气派的Grand Hyatt酒店Savoy Ballroom拉开帷幕。这一夜,来自全澳的13位佳丽汇聚一堂,依偎在闪烁的聚光灯下,争夺华裔小姐的荣耀。两大主办单位PACIFIC ASIAN(爱客多)与NAN INTERNATIONAL MEDIA(京创文化)联合主办的这场盛事,不仅是对美丽的追逐,更是对华裔传统文化的致敬。