Terrifying? Yes. Genius? Absolutely. 6 ... The longfinned bullseye proves that not all deep-sea creatures rely on speed and aggression. With its massive eyes, steady movements, and patient hunting ...
Scientists have made a rare discovery off the coast of Portugal, where a frilled shark, a species that has remained nearly ...
A scary-looking creature with “devil” in its name was spotted close to the surface off Tenerife, a Spanish island.
A video of ‘black sea monster’ is making waves on Instagram. It is believed that this is the first time the it has been ...
The terrifying deep-sea creature was spotted off the coast of Tenerife, a Canary Island beloved by British holidaymakers.
A dad out kayaking with his son got some pretty scary footage of his child being swallowed whole by a whale before getting ...
A shark research organization came face to face last week with a deep sea creature who isn't known for seeing the light of day. Condrik Tenerife, a shark and stingray research and conversation ...
Scientists were once again excited, this time over the sighting of a humpback anglerfish for the first time in broad daylight ...
Humpback anglerfish typically are found at depths of up to 1,500 meters below the water's surface, where there is little to ...
Absolutely. 6. Lovely Hatchetfish – The Deep Sea’s Floating Mirror Lovely ... glowing lure that dangles beneath its chin, this terrifying predator is built for ambush. It even has a secret ...
Scientists capture a black sea devil anglerfish near Spain's Canary Islands, marking the first-ever daylight sighting of this deep-sea predator.