Ian Murray announced on Instagram the arrival of his second daughter Lois, who was born on Monday morning. Baby Lois arrived on Monday morning at 7.48am, weighing 3.5kg. The Scottish secretary made ...
October is traditionally calf weaning and cow culling month for spring calving operations. At cow culling time, producers often face some tough decisions. Optimum culling of the herd often seems to ...
As calving season looms in the not so distant future, the first things that come to my mind is considering plans for pre-calving vaccination of pregnant cows, and thinking about controlling calf ...
A mother and daughter are transformed by a sojourn in western Scotland. At four in the morning, far from civilization on an island in the Inner Hebrides, I woke to the drumming of rain on the canvas ...
A SCOTTISH farm has gone on the market for more than £8 million. Penston Farm, near Macmerry in the heart of East Lothian, has been farmed by the Orr family for more than 70 years. Now, the farm is up ...
In the recent US election, the Democrats made a huge play out of the notion that the very concept of democracy itself was at risk if Donald Trump won. And yet his eventual victory was unquestionably ...