Now, after users started calling out their fake and "cringey" posts, Meta has removed them from its platforms. Meta says the AI profiles have been removed to fix the bug that prevented users from ...
The celebrity-based bots were killed off last summer after less than a year, but users have recently been finding a handful of other, entirely fake bot profiles still floating around — and the ...
“They’ll have bios and profile pictures and be able to generate ... Instead of being hunted down by a gleaming metal skeleton in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, we are surrounded by zombies ...
Each is entirely made up, with posts of AI-generated images. It's all very weird, but also not all that new—the profiles were created more than a year ago, and appear to have largely been abandoned.
Fans of the Sonic games will immediately recognize this as Metal Sonic - one of Sonic's lesser-known foes, and a character who could serve as the main foe in the recently-announced Sonic the ...
Aluminium drinks cans make a great source of thin sheet metal which can be used for all manner of interesting projects, but it’s safe to say that retrieving a sheet of metal from a can is a ...