The physical basis of electronic devices and their application in analog and digital systems. Diodes, transistors, LEDs, photodetectors, and lasers are described, and their properties are explored.
REQUIRED TEXTS: S.M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices , Wiley, 2nd edition, 1981. COURSE GOALS: The course is designed to teach the physics behind electronic device operations and also prepare ...
Most modern electronic devices consist of several key components ... They either consume or store energy. A simple way to test whether a component is active or not is to measure the difference ...
Stretchable electronics combines the electronic performance of conventional wafer-based semiconductor devices and mechanical properties of a rubber band ... to match the strongly nonplanar image ...
Electronic and spintronic devices are devices that use the properties of electrons to transmit, process and store information. Electronic devices use the electrical charge of an electron to encode ...
Electronic logging devices are easy prey for hackers looking to gain access to your fleet's data and IT systems. Urban Jonson with Serjon tells HDT what bad actors hope to achieve by hacking into ...